Loulou João

Loulou João is an Afro Belgian visual artist. By making use of 3D software (blender), she visualizes her own reality - a world that consists of candy coated squishy objects. All while using hyper femme cuteness as her visual language to create a safe space called the Focketverse.
A space where she is able to focus on the expression of her authentic self without any constructs weighing her down, giving her the opportunity to reflect and create a platform to harbor new and meaningful connections.
Clients include: Adobe, Adult Swim, BBC, Dropbox, GIPHY, It’s Nice That, Meta, MTV, Nick Jr, Spotify, The New Yorker, The New York Times, TIME Magazine, Warner Media


6 animations created for Meta's My kind of place project.

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6 animations created for Meta's My kind of place project.

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Wheels on the bus animation for Nick Jr: Many Faces Show #1
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Wheels on the bus animation for Nick Jr: Many Faces Show #1
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client: agency: production: